Twelve Days of Christmas, Day 9: Nine Ladies Dancing

“On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me nine ladies dancing…”

Symbolism: These jumpin’ and jiving ladies really represent the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit…which can get you jumpin’ and jivin’ too, if you think about it…

The nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit can be found in Galatians 5:22-23 and are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.  They’re the attributes that any Christian influenced by the Holy Spirit will start to show.

Your Mission: Do a self-assessment for the fruits of the Holy Spirit in your life!  How often do you show these things?  When you do, what’s different about your spiritual life?  If you don’t feel like you show them very often, why not?  What does your spiritual life have to do with that?  Is there a correlation there?

Bonus Points:  Write yourself a letter at about your self-assessment and have it sent a year from today!  Feeling pretty good about those Fruits?  See if you still feel that way in a year, if you feel it less, or if you feel it more! You’ll be amazed at how much changes in just one year.

BONUS Bonus Points:  Commit to a new spiritual practice like weekly confession, a regular Holy Hour, or a daily rosary and you’ll REALLY be able to see the difference when your letter shows up!

2 thoughts on “Twelve Days of Christmas, Day 9: Nine Ladies Dancing

  1. Pingback: 10 Thoughts – n#mbers | JD-VP's Blog

  2. Pingback: Day 9 of 12 Days of Christmas: Nine ladies dancing – Jackson Community Church

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